Bittie Betty

BBedOh Bitty Bettie!  And what are you dreaming of on this starry night?

Would you like to know the story behind this little “bit” of a Bettie?  I was helping at the hospital by bringing food up to patients.  I walked into a room and there was this little bit of a lady laying in bed.  She was so little and so sweet and her name was Betty!  I told her I was going to write a story using her name!  She was a little “Bitty Bettie” and such a dear.

Now I am in the midst of writing her story!  What fun to travel back in time to what it was like to be so little. Were you little?  Were you big for your age?  So much goes on in the minds of children as they grow up.

I remember going to the local grocery story when I was little. Who was visiting but the “Corn King”.

He was soooo tall! One little girl was so scared she cried.  I remember vividly how sad he looked to see this little girls reaction.  I felt sorry for him.  I think it made a very big impact on me through the rest of my life.  I always pull for the under dog… the ones who are picked on or left out. It could have easily been me.  What really matters in life is the heart of a person.  Watch carefully what you value. People are the greatest treasures on earth.

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