
Garden weeded √,  Zinnia Seeds planted √, Veggie Seeds planted √,  Herbs planted √,   Flowers planted √,  Talked to neighbor over the fence √,   Hornet traps set √,  Mulch spread √,  Flower planters planted √,  Watered everything √,  DONE!!    Now the wait… hoping it all LIVES!  ha!

The “Great Garden Planting” happens every year around Mother’s Day.  It is a lot of work, but when it’s done it’s great to kick back with a glass of iced tea in hand.

It’s time to get back to work for the Licensing Show in June.  There are baby albums and greeting cards to finish designing, another book idea to finish up and a new line to introduce to the world!

“Lae Dee Bugg” debuts in July!


I was going to finish cleaning my kitchen floor… but then I thought, why not add a blog update?  ha!

Today I went for a walk.  There is nothing like walking in leaves!  I love fall mornings.

As usual, even on my walks I am working.  All I could see were color palettes! I picked up leaf after leaf to add to my fall collection.